台北@台灣_FUZZ-IEEE 2011_Taipei@Taiwan

  1. TonTon H.-D. Huang, "Hunting the Ethereum Smart Contract: Color-inspired Inspection of Potential Attacks", AI Village, Defcon 26, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2018. (link / Blog)
  2. TonTon H.-D. Huang, Chia-Mu Yu, and Hung-Yu Kao, "Look! Ransomware is there: Large Scale Ransomware Detection with Naked Eye", Ruxcon Security Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2017. (link / Blog)
  3. TonTon H.-D. Huang, Chia-Mu Yu, and Hung-Yu Kao, "R2-D2: Color-Inspired Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based Android Malware Detection", OWASP AppSec USA, Orlando, Florida, 2017. (link / Blog)
  4. TonTon H.-D. Huang, "New Mindset for Malware Battlefield: Bytecode Analysis and Physical Machine-based for Android", Hacks in Taiwan Conference (HITCON) CMT, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015. (Keynote Speech, link / Blog)
  5. TonTon H.-D. Huang, "Building Adaptive Heterogeneous Architecture for Malware Behavior Analysis: MAN in Taiwan", Hacks in Taiwan Conference (HITCON) PLG, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014. (link / Blog)
  6. TonTon H.-D. Huang* and Hung-Yu Kao, "R2-D2: Color-inspired Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based Android Malware Detections", IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2018 (IEEE Big Data 2018), Seattle, WA, USA, Dec 10-13, 2018. (link / Blog)
  7. TonTonH.-D. Huang, "Hunting the ethereum smart con-tract:Color-inspired inspection of potential attacks", arXiv preprint, arXiv:1807.01868, 2018. (link)
  8. TonTon H.-D. Huang*, Chia-Mu Yu, and Hung-Yu Kao, "Data-Driven and Deep Learning Methodology for Deceptive Advertising and Phone Scams Detection", 2017 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2017), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 1-3, 2017. (link)
  9. TonTon H.-D. Huang*, Chia-Mu Yu, "Poster: Adaptive Data-Driven and Region-Aware Detection for Deceptive Advertising", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2016 (IEEE S&P 2016), San Jose, CA, USA, May 23-25, 2016. (link / Blog)
  10. TonTon H.-D. Huang*, C.-S. Lee, M.-H. Wang, and Hung-Yu Kao, "IT2FLS-based Malware Analysis Mechanism: Malware Analysis Network in Taiwan (MiT)", in Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2013), Manchester, United-Kingdom, Oct. 13-16, 2013. (link / Blog)
  11. TonTon H.-D. Huang*, C.-S. Lee, H. Hagras, and Hung-Yu Kao, "TWMAN+:A Type-2 Fuzzy Ontology Model for Malware Behavior Analysis," in Proceeding of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2012), COEX, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 14-17, 2012. (link / Blog)
  12. TonTon H.-D. Huang*, G. Acampora, V. Loia, C.-S. Lee, and Hung-Yu Kao, "Applying FML and Fuzzy Ontologies to Malware Behavioral Analysis," in Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2011), Taipei, Taiwan, June. 27-30, 2011. (link / Blog)
  13. TonTon H.-D. Huang*, C.-S. Lee, Hung-Yu Kao, Y.-L. Tsai, and J.-G. Chang, "Malware Behavioral Analysis System: TWMAN," in Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Intelligent Agent (IEEE SSCI 2011), Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011. (link / Blog)
  14. TonTon H.-D. Huang*, T.-Y. Chuang, Y.-L. Tsai, and C.-S. Lee, "Ontology-based intelligent system for malware behavioral analysis," in Proceeding of the 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2010), Barcelona, Spain, Jul. 18-23, 2010. (link / Blog)

(FUZZ-IEEE 2011)2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Syste
Prof. Tzuu-Hseng S. Li | Prof. Pau-Choo Chung | Prof. Francesco Marcellon
Prof. Kaoru Hirota | Prof. Jerry Mendel | Prof. Yueh-Min Huang | Prof. Yoichi Yamazaki

大使海鮮餐廳 : www.dashi.com.tw
台南市東區東興路63號/ 06-238-1966 / 中式料理, 海鮮, 美食

時間得先回到近兩週前 ... 自己老闆是 FUZZ-IEEE 2011 Program Chair
當然全程配合參與跟協助囉 !
在場的第一排一個個都是學術界大老 !!! 雖然郭老師提早離開 ! 但一樣還是我老師的老師 ~ XD

這張則是實驗室目前所有成員 ....

接著下來當然要看一下到底吃了什麼菜啦 !
要問我上面菜名是啥 ... 我這次沒拍到菜單啦 ...
不過 ~ 俺老闆倒是喝的很開心哩 ... 而且菜說真的還挺好吃的哦 !!!

FUZZ-IEEE 201, 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
FUZZ-IEEE 2011 @ Southern Taiwan Forum

話說這是咱家老李辦的國際大會議 ... 那麼就不可能缺席了 ! 雖然每次活動都得犧牲自己的假期 .

除了上面的論壇以外 ( 細部內容可參考相關網頁連結 )
還跟 巴黎第 11 大學 以及 東京工業大學簽了 MOU

當然啦 ~ 正經的活動已經有很多新聞媒體報導了 ! 所以這篇一樣又是負責介紹吃的 !
這次是請來了 安平 周氏蝦卷 外燴 ...

陣仗還不是普通的大 ! 因為是一百人份 .... 然後接著就是每一種都要去吃啦 !
當然還有特地趕來 STAND BY 的 GEE !

因為這個活動結束後, 會帶每個國外學者一起上台北 ... 怕車不夠, 所以揪了他來 ... 結果他啥都沒帶 ! 不過另一個重點就是 ... 台南小吃吃一輪真的不錯哦 !

(FUZZ-IEEE 2011)2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems
Series Activities on Computer Game of Go @ Taiwan

臺灣電腦對局學會--Taiwan Computer Game Association (TCGA)

2011 全球電腦圍棋爭霸賽,接著介紹一下邀來的一些學術界大人物
Prof. Jerry Mendel : http://sipi.usc.edu/~mendel
Prof. Kaoru Hirota : http://www.hrt.dis.titech.ac.jp/
Prof. Francesco Marcellon : http://www.iet.unipi.it/f.marcelloni/
巴黎第十一大學的 Dr. Fabien Teytaud


話說 ~ 這只是一整個系列活動的開頭呀 !!! XD

(FUZZ-IEEE 2011)2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy System
FUZZ-IEEE 2011 Program Chair : Prof. Chang-Shing Lee
2011 Outstanding Chapter Award - Egypt Chapter - Prof. Hani Hagras

封面是阿痛參與的 2010 Initiative Research Cooperation among Top Universities between UK and Taiwan Type-2 Fuzzy Ontology Model and Its Applications 台灣 跟 英國的 Ph. D Co-Adviser 合照

本文內含正妹跳 BoBee 和 藝術舞 ~ 請慎入 !