- TonTon H.-D. Huang, "Hunting the Ethereum Smart Contract: Color-inspired Inspection of Potential Attacks", AI Village, Defcon 26, Las Vegas, Nevada, 2018. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang, Chia-Mu Yu, and Hung-Yu Kao, "Look! Ransomware is there: Large Scale Ransomware Detection with Naked Eye", Ruxcon Security Conference, Melbourne, Australia, 2017. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang, Chia-Mu Yu, and Hung-Yu Kao, "R2-D2: Color-Inspired Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based Android Malware Detection", OWASP AppSec USA, Orlando, Florida, 2017. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang, "New Mindset for Malware Battlefield: Bytecode Analysis and Physical Machine-based for Android", Hacks in Taiwan Conference (HITCON) CMT, Taipei, Taiwan, 2015. (Keynote Speech, link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang, "Building Adaptive Heterogeneous Architecture for Malware Behavior Analysis: MAN in Taiwan", Hacks in Taiwan Conference (HITCON) PLG, Taipei, Taiwan, 2014. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang* and Hung-Yu Kao, "R2-D2: Color-inspired Convolutional Neural Network (CNN)-based Android Malware Detections", IEEE International Conference on Big Data 2018 (IEEE Big Data 2018), Seattle, WA, USA, Dec 10-13, 2018. (link / Blog)
- TonTonH.-D. Huang, "Hunting the ethereum smart con-tract:Color-inspired inspection of potential attacks", arXiv preprint, arXiv:1807.01868, 2018. (link)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang*, Chia-Mu Yu, and Hung-Yu Kao, "Data-Driven and Deep Learning Methodology for Deceptive Advertising and Phone Scams Detection", 2017 Conference on Technologies and Applications of Artificial Intelligence (TAAI 2017), Taipei, Taiwan, Dec. 1-3, 2017. (link)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang*, Chia-Mu Yu, "Poster: Adaptive Data-Driven and Region-Aware Detection for Deceptive Advertising", IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy 2016 (IEEE S&P 2016), San Jose, CA, USA, May 23-25, 2016. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang*, C.-S. Lee, M.-H. Wang, and Hung-Yu Kao, "IT2FLS-based Malware Analysis Mechanism: Malware Analysis Network in Taiwan (MiT)", in Proceeding of the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2013), Manchester, United-Kingdom, Oct. 13-16, 2013. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang*, C.-S. Lee, H. Hagras, and Hung-Yu Kao, "TWMAN+:A Type-2 Fuzzy Ontology Model for Malware Behavior Analysis," in Proceeding of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (IEEE SMC 2012), COEX, Seoul, Korea, Oct. 14-17, 2012. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang*, G. Acampora, V. Loia, C.-S. Lee, and Hung-Yu Kao, "Applying FML and Fuzzy Ontologies to Malware Behavioral Analysis," in Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2011), Taipei, Taiwan, June. 27-30, 2011. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang*, C.-S. Lee, Hung-Yu Kao, Y.-L. Tsai, and J.-G. Chang, "Malware Behavioral Analysis System: TWMAN," in Proceeding of the 2011 IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Intelligent Agent (IEEE SSCI 2011), Paris, France, Apr. 11-15, 2011. (link / Blog)
- TonTon H.-D. Huang*, T.-Y. Chuang, Y.-L. Tsai, and C.-S. Lee, "Ontology-based intelligent system for malware behavioral analysis," in Proceeding of the 2010 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2010), Barcelona, Spain, Jul. 18-23, 2010. (link / Blog)
哦 ! 就這樣又好一陣子沒有飛美國了 ... 這次拜 AI Village, Defcon 26 的福 ! (PS: 文長慎入)
帶著 " Hunting the Ethereum Smart Contract: Color-inspired Inspection of Potential Attacks " 就這樣出發前往傳說中的 賭城 拉斯維加斯 (Las Vegas) 體驗一下傳說中的兩個駭客盛會 Black Hat USA 2018 跟 Defcon 26
在路上簡直像被用吹風機對著吹的,當然還巧合的遇上了 Flash Flood ...
不過這趟最麻煩的就是去程飛到 洛杉磯 (Los Angeles) 轉機,但中間只有近 2 小時
好不容易等到了行李,然後小步快跑的上了飛機後 ...
咻一下,不到一小時吧,就這樣來到了 賭城 拉斯維加斯 (Las Vegas)
我想最可惜的莫過於對於 " 賭 " 我還真的是一竅不通 ... 甚至麻將或者牌類遊戲都如此
直到踏出機場的一瞬間 ... 吹風機式的體感溫度就這樣迎面而來
這次住的飯店其實挑了很久,最後是 Platinum Hotel and Spa(鉑金Spa酒店)
211 East Flamingo Road, 拉斯維加斯大道, 拉斯維加斯, NV 89169, 美國
然後飯店出來就有一家 7-11,搭配上飯店內的設備,對於食物完全非常好解決 !
豪華一臥室套房- 帶特大號床,什麼稀奇古怪的設備應有盡有;當然在這飯店還有之後那一段整個很意外,直到現在我自己都不太能解釋跟忘記的,到底是如何發生的故事 !
交通地點也離拉斯維加斯大道不遠,是個讓人非常滿意的飯店 ! 如果下次投上了 Black Hat USA 跟 Defcon 一定再住
接著就是傳說中 Blackhat USA 的場地
曼德勒海灣賭場度假村(英語:Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino)是位於美國內華達州拉斯維加斯大道上的一所賭場酒店,酒店由美高梅國際酒店集團所持有及管理。另外,酒店主大樓的第34至39層則用作四季酒店客房之用。 酒店擁有3,309間客房以及面積達135,000平方公尺的賭場,附設有接近一百萬平方公尺的曼德勒海灣會議中心以及主辦拳賽、演唱會等節目的曼德勒海灣表演中心。(from 維基百科)
來到這邊一定要先拍下這經典的標的物啊 !
還有逛逛這贈品多到讓你拿到手痠的 Business Hall
巧合的是也在這遇到了過往的同事朋友 ... 左上方的圖就是用來證明手真的會痠的贈品哦 !
當然,幾場關鍵的演講也是一定要去聽的 !
咱家的小豹更是一定要露個臉啊 !
更為驚人的就是這午餐時間席開 " 數百桌 " 的場面了
就這樣花了兩天的時間在會場四處逛 ... 得到的結果就是
除非你是 briefings 的 speaker 啦,不然真的可以不用浪費錢特地飛來參加
想聽演講 ? 嗯 ... 英文程度要不差,然後 ... 其實官方很快就把影片公佈了啦 ! XD
AI Village @ Defcon 26: https://aivillage.org
Blackhat 感覺上就是很商業化的產品介紹展示
至於 Defcon 就是感覺滿滿的會場都是駭客
這個則是 CTF 的現場
Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies are gaining unprecedented popularity and understanding. Meanwhile, Ethereum is gaining a significant popularity in the blockchain community, mainly due to the fact that it is designed in a way that enables developers to write decentralized applications (Dapps) and smart contract. This new paradigm of applications opens the door to many possibilities and opportunities. However, the security of Ethereum smart contracts has not received much attention; several Ethereum smart contracts malfunctioning have recently been reported. Unlike many previous works that have applied static and dynamic analyses to find bugs in smart contracts, we do not attempt to define and extract any features; instead we focus on reducing the expert’s labor costs. We first present a new in-depth analysis of potential attacks methodology and then translate the bytecode of solidity into RGB color code. After that, we transform them to a fixed-sized encoded imag e. Finally, the encoded image is fed to convolutional neural network (CNN) for automatic feature extraction and learning, detecting security flaw of Ethereum smart contract.
Hunting the Ethereum Smart Contract: Color-inspired Inspection of Potential Attacks
然後當然不能錯過所謂的 拉斯維加斯了 ...
法國巴黎_凱旋門 (Arc de Triomphe)、艾菲爾鐵塔 (Eiffel Tower)、哈根達斯 (Häagen-Dazs)、香榭麗舍大道 (Champs-Élysées)
其實跟正版的還蠻像的,晚上真的可說是個不夜城,就連已經過了晚上十二點,路上人還超多呢 !
至於這裡則是著名的 百樂宮酒店水舞(Bellagio Fountains)
最後,趁著返台的前一晚,特地又走到了 M&M ...
New York - New York Hotel and Casino
這趟美國最滿意的我想就是這種星巴客兩罐只要 5 美金 ~ XD
整趟旅程其實最囧的莫過於我特地延長了飯店 check out 時間後,才收到 United 的起飛延誤通知
原本覺得 2 小時要轉機就已經很趕了,想不到變成只有不到半小時
但是 ~ 就是這個但是 ... 雖然人是順利的小跑步的追上了轉機
但是行李卻沒跟上啦 ~ 但現在想想其實也是蠻合理的,平常等行李都至少要近一小時了,短短不到 30 分鐘的轉機,行李怎可能跟的上呢 ? 是吧 ~ XD