Google Now Launcher

Google Now Launcher 原本只提供 Nexus 和 Google Play Experience 手機安裝

 因為不同廠商的手機都會預載自己的使用者介面,以及內嵌很多不必要或根本不需要的APP,一整個浪費系統效能或佔用不必要桌面,更令操作體驗滿意度下跌 .... 0rz


Today we're releasing the Google Now Launcher for all devices that run Android 4.1 (Jelly Bean) and higher.

The Google Now Launcher gives you a home screen that's clean, simple and customizable. One swipe leads to Google Now cards, bringing you the right information at just the right time. Tapping the search box or saying "Ok Google" lets you ask a question or search the web. And of course, you can easily add your favorite apps, widgets and wallpaper.

To see the Google Now Launcher in action or to give it a try, check it out on Google Play:

網路上已經有不少介紹 ... 姑且不在這亂誤導人 ...

但是要講一下,裝好後如果想玩 ok Google ~ 那就得先改成英文 ! xD

試了一下發現英文要唸準讓手機聽得懂還真是有點難度啊 ! Orz



老人模式變為極簡模式 ... 介面變了不少 ~ 頗新鮮只是這樣要上手又得花點時間了啊 !